

Through the Dual Baccalaureate program, completely in English,  we offer the possibility to obtain the American Baccalaureate degree, as well as the Spanish one.

This Dual Baccalaureate program is geared to students from 3rd of ESO onward, that are driven, that wish to broaden their academic possibilities, since they will obtain the Spanish degree and the American one.


In the school we always try to offer a high level of education in languages and that is why we have an important program for studying abroad or for international exchanges in different stages at the school.

Through the Dual Baccalaureate program we offer the possibility to obtain the American Baccalaureate degree, as well as the Spanish one.

This Dual Baccalaureate program is geared to students from 3rd of ESO onward, that are driven and have a good level of English, that wish to broaden their academic possibilities, since they will obtain the Spanish degree and the American one.